Christina Goh presents her poem about the isolation turning us into information junkies.
Christina Goh vividly captures the transformation to internet and information junkies that took place for many of us during the isolation of 2020 in her poem, originally written in French, “Confinement.” Find the text below, and feel free to share the video and text with your friends and your classes. The poem appears in the second book of the international collection of poetry, prose, and images, global insides—the second phase, available on Amazon. Christina is a French vocalist, as well as a member of the Board of Directors of the French Association for Percussion and of the communication and event commission of the “Vies 37” network in France for the prevention of suicide. She has written several articles published in the international magazine Mondes Francophones (Francophones Worlds), as well as several collections of poems.
Christina is from Martinique, France, and the Ivory Coast and resides in France.
We have become eagles
who glaze over the information peaks
from sunrise to sunset
trumpeted in all languages, in colors,
in plumes of sweetness and vigor
masters of the dreamlike airs . . .
Today we are lions
who roar their fury of life
or spread out, troubled in the sunlight
of their screens, watching the family
of the world, waiting for the best
and theories in the wind
But who would have believed it?
by the glow of virtual campfires
for a reconstructed holiday,
the shadows of the past took pity
and before disappearing,
they turned us into griffins.